Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Skin Disorder; Laser Tattoo Removal

An estimated half of all 18 to 30 years olds women have at least one tattoo, and this is like, (they said), but what is the problem if later tattoo is done you do not want it any more. The biggest complaint is dissatisfaction and consequently the number of people seeking tattoos removal has increased. Indeed the last researches pointing that women number searching this one is bigger than men. And that is because there is less social stigma associated with them.

There are many problems with the inks used in tattoos, because there are not regulations for tattoo parlors or their colorful inks, thus many time might be used the same industrial-grade pigments that people use in printers or car paint, so if you think in the foreign bodies injected in the skin, you realize the risks associated with the skin tattooing. To say, in many U.S. states - for instance - there are not age restrictions or guidelines that range from minimum age requirements to the outlawing of tattooing.

But not forget the unsterile tattoo equipment that may transmit hepatitis B and C and other infectious disease, the there are serious risk of potential allergic reactions in the skin, some of them might be rashes, nodules or hives. These skin disorders are produced like reaction at sun exposure, but this is rare but it is.

Tattoo removal; dermabrasion and skin grafting are options for removal tattoo but the most popular - specially in women – is laser removal, because is fast. The laser zaps the metal ions in the skin tattoo pigments, fracturing the inks into microscopic pieces that are easily disposed of the body. The most common laser used is Q-Switched.

There many advantages with laser removal but there are risks too, for instance the patients who their tattoos were exposed to the sun and experienced allergic reactions, might experience the same effects or reactions - and maybe worst - with a laser removal treatment. Nonetheless these risks are relatively rare.

The tattoo laser removal may be painful, so most surgeons use numbing cream and local anesthetics to ease the discomfort, wish tends to vary based on skin sensitivity and pain tolerance.

There are many pretty beautiful tattoos walking outside, but be careful.

This article was written by Hector Milla, editor of "Disorder Skin .com", visit http://www.disorderskin.com for skin disorder information, or you could see their last article ::skin disorder deramaxx treatment :: at http://www.disorderskin.com/1/skin-disorder-deramaxx-treatment.html. Thanks for use this article in your website or ezine keeping a live link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Hector_Milla

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